Cloud Connections

Cloud Connections

cloud engineering, automation, devops, systems architecture and more…

09 May 2020

Phase 2: Host a website on AWS S3

Time for Phase 2 of the #CloudResumeChallenge, hosting the resume website on AWS.

What do I need for this?

  • An AWS account.
  • A domain name.
  • S3 buckets.
  • SSL Certificate from Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM).
  • Amazon Cloudfront

Why do I need those?

An AWS Account

An account is needed because we’re trying to learn how to use the Amaz-ing Web Services platform, obviously.

A Domain Name

It’s best to use an easy to remember address when giving out your website details to people. No one can remember some address like

If you’d like to stick with full AWS services, Route53 is the way to go. You can also use another DNS provider like Namecheap, where I got mine.

S3 Buckets

We’ll need somewhere to store our website files. S3 is the tool for this job. It also allows you to allow public access so that you could technically host a basic website straight from the bucket (static-site hosting, as it is called).

❗ Be very aware when doing this (for other buckets), since it’s never a good idea to have your data accessible to the world. ❗

SSL Certificate from ACM

Since ACM enables you to create free SSL certificates for use with other AWS resources, we’ll be using this to secure access to our website. After all, everyone would like to see the 🔒 icon on the browser when visiting your website these days.

Amazon Cloudfront

Cloudfront offers a global content delivery network (CDN) for your website with integration to ACM so that you can secure your website with SSL.

This is the main reason for use of Cloudfront (to enable HTTPS for security) for this project. But having a fast website (witht eh help of CDN) is a huge bonus as well.

Let’s Get to Work

Now that we got the items we need all set, I’ll forward you to the official guide from AWS explaining step by step how to get your buckets ready, domain name pointed to the right resources, enabling Cloudfront.

Hosting Websites on S3: Example Walkthrough

Below is a diagram to help visualizing how the parts work together.

Cloud Digram

Now, here I’d like to mention that there are couple of things you have to keep in mind when following their guide.

Comments on configuration

S3 Buckets

I used 2 buckets, one main and one for www subdomain (which just redirects requests to main). Public access is enabled on the main bucket only.

S3 Buckets

SIDE NOTE: I skipped creating a logs bucket for now. Maybe I’ll get to enabling logging later on.

Domain Configuration

Since I’m using another provider, I used CNAME records to point my domain to the correct endpoints.


  • or @ –> CNAME record pointing to S3/Cloudfront endpoint.
  • or www –> CNAME record pointing to S3/Cloudfront endpoint.

Cloudfront with SSL Configuration

This is where I started tripping up. I started getting 403 errors and strange redirects when accessing the generated Cloudfront URL.

Couple of hours went by Googling for fixes and turns out I mostly I missed reading the help texts when filling out the fields. 😓

So I’d like to highlight couple of things to note before and while you’re working to enable Cloudfront.

Get your SSL certificates ready first

Head over to ACM and follow the instructions to get a SSL certificate for your domain.

SIDE NOTE: When using DNS validation, make sure to remove the domain name from the generated name when creating CNAME records on your DNS provider. For example in remove the and just use the _randomvalue.

ACM Certificates

Once those are set, you can begin configuring Cloudfront. But here’s a couple of notes on doing that. I found some points that were not so clear in the official documentation.

Origin Settings

Origin domain name should be in the format <bucket-name>.s3.<aws-region> If it’s not provided in this format, you would find that accessing the Cloudfront generated endpoint from a browser does a redirect to the S3 bucket endpoint.

Cloudfront Origin Settings

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

Since we want to secure our website, select this option.

Cloudfront HTTPS Redirect

Enabling HTTPS with Custom Domain

To enable secure access with out custom domain, you need to provide Alternate Domain Names (CNAME) and select the Custom SSL Certificate option with the certificate created earlier in ACM.

Cloudfront Custom SSL

Waiting for Cloudfront to finish

Once the settings are saved, Cloudfront starts configuring the CDN for your websites and provides an endpoint. You can first test whether everything works using the provided endpoint to access the website, before updating the DNS records.

Update DNS to Cloudfront

Finally, once everything is working fine update the DNS records for the domain to point to the Cloudfront endpoint provided.


If all went well, the webpage should now be accessible using your custom domain name.

Have a look at mine at 😄

Next phase should be interesting. It’s a development project again. But this time with a language and database I’ve never used. 😁